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How to Copy and Paste in FL Studio?

Copy-pasting in FL Studio is one of the most simple and efficient ways to duplicate different sections of audio files. Copy and pasting things speed up the whole process of music production.

This tutorial will teach you how to copy and paste piano roll, studio playlist, and States in FL studio. Let’s dive in!

Copy-Paste Shortcuts in FL Studio

Similar to other platforms or software, in FL Studio, you can use Ctrl + C as a command to copy the files and Ctrl + V as a command to paste the files in different sections.

  • To copy a file or sequence: Ctrl + C
  • To cut a file or sequence: Ctrl + X
  • To select the entire MIDI or audio: Ctrl + A
  • To paste the clipboard file or sequence: Ctrl + V
  • To duplicate the audio or MIDI: Ctrl + B

How to Copy and Paste a Playlist in FL Studio?

Step 1: First, open the playlist window in FL studio by clicking on the “Playlist” button in the top menu. Alternatively, you can press F5 on your keyword to open the playlist.

Step 2: You must select the MIDI or audio you want to copy. If you want to select the entire audio, you can press Ctrl + A (Command + A key on Mac) on your keyboard, or you can press down the Ctrl key and then drag the mouse to the audio which you want to copy.


Step 3: Once you select the right files, copy them by pressing down Ctrl + C on Windows and Command + C on Mac. And the selection will be copied to the clipboard, and the copied content will change to red, indicating the audio is now copied.


Step 4: Once you have the content on your clipboard, either you can paste them into a different playlist or the same playlist. To paste the selected playlist, you need to press Ctrl + V on Windows and Command + V on Mac.


To make this process even faster, you can use the duplicate tool. After selecting the audio, hit Ctrl + B to duplicate the selection without using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

How to Copy and Paste Piano Roll in FL Studio?

Step 1: Click on View piano roll in the FL Studio tool. Alternatively, you can press the shortcut key F7 to view the piano roll.


Step 2: Select the notes or chords you want to copy from the piano roll by clicking and dragging the cursor over them or by holding down the Ctrl key (or Command key on a Mac) and clicking on each note individually.


Step 3: You can copy and paste the selection by pressing Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V. Furthermore, you can use the Ctrl + B shortcut to duplicate the selection without copying and pasting it.


How to Copy and Paste States in FL Studio?

States are a feature in FL Studio that allows you to save and recall different plugin configurations or settings.

They are accessible through the plugin window and are useful for creating sound variations, saving presets for different songs or projects, and quickly switching between settings during live performances.

You can also use the copy-and-paste function to move plugins or project states. Here’s how:

  1. First, you must access the automatic clip settings from the options. And then, from the Sytrus and other plugins, there will be a wrench icon close to the envelope state which you want to copy.
  2. /dossiers/dossier-22/7.webp
  3. When you open the menu, there will be the option to copy and paste. Go to the first state, click on the target envelope, and click on Copy state.
  4. /dossiers/dossier-22/8.webp
  5. Next, open the different target where you want to paste the state and paste the state from the menu selection.
  6. /dossiers/dossier-22/9.webp
  7. You can do the same for automatic clips as well.

So, that is how you can copy and paste playlists, piano rolls, and states in FL studio. Hopefully, this will boost your productivity and help you achieve your goal in time.

- Joseph SARDIN - Fondateur et Sonothécaire de BigSoundBank.com et LaSonotheque.org - Contact

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